Empowering sustainable mobility, our values drive innovation, reliability, and accessibility in electric vehicle charging, fostering a cleaner, connected future.
ChargeZone®'s EV charging network is driven by a sophisticated Grid to-Vehicle (G2V) technology that enables an unmanned EV Charging experience for the end EV user.
Adherence to electrical standards, installation of physical safeguards, robust emergency preparedness, continuous monitoring for hazards, and proactive user education for accident prevention.
The ChargeZone charging station of the future boasts rapid charging capabilities, seamless integration with renewable energy sources, smart grid compatibility for energy optimization, user-friendly interfaces, and widespread accessibility to promote electric vehicle adoption
Prioritize safety standards, ensure accessibility for all users, integrate renewable energy sources, optimize energy efficiency, and provide transparent and user-friendly operations for charging stations.
ChargeZone is founded with a vision to revolutionize the electric vehicle charging landscape.
ChargeZone launches its first generation of charging stations, emphasizing accessibility in urban and suburban areas.
A significant milestone as ChargeZone introduces fast-charging technology, reducing charging times for EVs.
ChargeZone undergoes a nationwide expansion, increasing the density of charging stations along highways and key travel routes.
ChargeZone introduces smart charging capabilities, allowing users to schedule and monitor charging remotely.
ChargeZone reaches a milestone of 1500+ charging stations installed across the country.